Featured Project:
AirGoT - Fullstack Project

This application is a clone of AirBnB with a Game of Thrones twist. I built it using Ruby on Rails backend with PostgreSQL database and a React, Redux frontend. It also incorporates Google Maps API in order to display an interactive map that can filter based on locations that are currently within the maps bounds. As well as AWS for storage and easy access of the photos for each location.

I have experience with a lot
of frameworks and languages

My AirGot Fullstack project used Ruby on Rails backend with React, Redux frontend. I also incorporated various API's with my projects such as Googe Maps API, in order to create interactive maps that can filter search results.

The MERN stack is another stack I have experience with. I used the MERN Stack in a collaborative project to create Rations - a recipe searching application that used the Spoonacular API to filter based on inputed user ingredients.

I also implemented pure javascript and HTML5 Canvas to create a platform scroller game. You can find more details on these projects below.

Here are some of the projects I have been working on:

AirGoT - Fullstack Project

This application is a clone of AirBnB with a game of thrones twist. I built it using Ruby on Rails backend with PostgreSQL database and a React, Redux frontend. It also incoropates Google Maps API in order to display a funciton map that can filter based on locations that are currently within the maps bounds. As well as AWS for storage and easy access of the photos for the spots.

Rations - MERN Stack Project

MERN Stack application built with a team of 4 software engineers. The application will fetch recipes using the Spoonacular API based on the ingredients given by the user. The show page features ingredients required and direcitons to make it. Working with a group was a very valuable experience and we quickly realized the importance of communicaiton and how to manage git workflow in a team setting.

Save The Princess

A Javascript game that was created using soley Javascript and Canvas. The game uses a ton of sprite animations in order to create a fluid experience. Also features a short cut scene at the end game which required very delicate animation and character movement. The scenary is interactive and changes based on different actions of the user. The end game features multiple endings based on the users final choice.